Youthline service expanded in the South
24 July, 2020

About the community group/organisation/individual
Youthline Southland is an Incorporated Society which offers support to young people and their families.
The aim of the service is to provide counselling, early intervention information and referral support to those in need and provide development opportunities for people in the community, particularly youth.
Currently the organisation has five volunteers, with another six volunteers joining the March/April training.
Youthline services include free 24/7 helpline, free 24/7 text messaging, free 24/7 email and webchat counselling, all run by trained volunteer helpline counsellors.
What the grant went towards
Youthline Southland received a grant of $9000 from the ILT Foundation towards the salary of a programme co-ordinator position, based in Invercargill, as well as a contribution to the training and supervision of their volunteer helpline counsellors and an online platform Webex so trained counsellors can provide support online.
The programme co-ordinator is responsible for financial and funding co-ordination, volunteer recruitment, training, support and ongoing supervision.
What the grant means to the community group/organisation
“[This funding enables us] to reach out to the diverse communities we support, in particular our vulnerable youth,” Youthline Southland chairman Ben Nettleton said.